Throne of Evil

Throne of Evil

Pride leads to destruction, and being too proud comes before a fall.

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Romans 8:28
We face the chilling truth of Herod ordering the killing of young boys in Bethlehem—the Massacre of the Innocents. Let's not avoid tough stories; they make Christ's light shine brighter. Herod's act came from pride and fear. Hearing about a new king from the Magi, he felt threatened and did a terrible thing to innocent children. The lesson is clear: pride leads to destruction, and being too proud comes before a fall. The difference between the joy of the Magi's visit and Herod's horror is striking. But even in terrible acts and evil rulers, God is working. Herod's awful act didn't stop God's plan for salvation. It fulfilled a prophecy from Jeremiah 31:15, showing God's plan was in motion, even in dark moments. God's ways aren't stopped by human sin; His grace shines in dark places, offering hope and healing.
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